This guide will walk you through the process of managing reference material in Lorikeet to improve your customer service responses.

If you’re new to using reference material to provide customer support using AI, check out our doc on understanding the difference between reference material and AI workflows here.

Adding Reference Material

Lorikeet supports three methods for adding reference material:

  1. Scraped from website
  2. Created from ticket
  3. Manual upload

Scraped from Website

While you can’t set this up directly in the app, our team can help you configure it using your website’s URL. This option keeps your reference material in sync with your public-facing documentation.

Key Benefit: Frequent updates ensure that your Lorikeet responses always reflect the most current information on your website.

Created from Ticket

When reviewing tickets in Lorikeet, you can add helpful agent responses to your reference material. This feature is useful when:

  • The FAQ workflow was triggered but couldn’t find a suitable answer
  • A human agent provided an excellent response

To create reference material from one of your customer service tickets, just click the “Add to reference material” button on the ticket page.

Add to reference material

Manual Upload

For ad-hoc additions or urgent updates:

  1. Go to the Reference Material tab
  2. Click the “Add” button in the Manual Upload section
  3. Fill out the form (see below for details)

Reference Material Options

Edit reference material

When adding reference material, you’ll see the following options:

  • Article title: Make it descriptive and easily understandable
  • Example questions: Add variations of how users might ask about this topic
  • Article content: The actual information or answer
  • Content labels: Optional tags for categorization
  • Ticket auto-tags: Tags to apply to tickets when the material is used
  • The “live” toggle: Controls whether the material is actively used in responses

Best Practices for Managing Reference Material

  1. Keep it up to date: Regularly review and update your reference material
  2. Provide example questions: Include various phrasings to improve matching accuracy
  3. Be concise: Keep article content clear and to the point. It’s often beneficial to split up long articles into smaller, more focused pieces.
  4. Quality control: Use the “Live” toggle to review new entries before making them active

If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer success team.