Private app setup

  1. Please nominate the email address of someone with admin access to Hubspot - send through to Lorikeet team in our shared Slack channel
  2. Lorikeet team will send back a magic link to allow authorization. This will expire in 7 days, let us know if you need a new link
  3. Please action the steps in the magic link (this can only be actioned by the individual with the email address given in Step 1)
  4. Please send us the following details:
    • Email of the agent you’d like Lorikeet AI Agent to post as
  5. Lorikeet team will continue setup in our system.
  6. When all set up, Lorikeet team will let you know, and you will be able to control that access from within Lorikeet app, under Build > Integrations

Setup Hubspot - Lorikeet webhooks to allow real-time access of ticketing data changes

  1. When you linked your account with Merge, you would’ve created a private app. Securely send us the client secret for that private app. This lets us validate that requests are coming from your Hubspot, and no one else’s.
  2. In the “Private Apps” settings page for the app setup for this integration, click on “Edit app”: Edit app
  3. Add conversations.write so Lorikeet can write messages.
  4. In “Webhooks”: Webhooks
    • Add Target URL as
    • Click “Create subscription”, then
      • Under “Which object types?”, select “Conversation” (We’re not dealing with Tickets just yet)
      • Under “Listen for which events?”, select “Created”, “Property changed”, “New message”
      • Under “Which properties?”, select “assignedTo”
      • then click “Subscribe” Subscriptions
    • Once you’ve made the changes, it should look like this: Subscriptions saved

Click “Commit changes” to save.

(If you have a peek at webhook logs for your app, you may notice requests failing: we need to get the client secret into our system, so this means we haven’t done that yet; nothing to worry about here!)